“Don’t just play something, sit there” Jim Hall’s Jazz Koan.

“Don’t just play something, sit there”… Jim Hall’s Jazz Koan. Following on from Lennie’s advice re hipness and non-action, thank you to my friend (guitarist) Jason Broadbent for Jim Hall’s counsel “Don’t just play something, sit there”! On further research those close to Jim Hall suggest he actually said “don’t just do something, sit there” but the pointContinue reading ““Don’t just play something, sit there” Jim Hall’s Jazz Koan.”

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“The hippest thing you can do is not play at all. Just listen!” Lennie Tristano

“The hippest thing you can do is not play at all. Just listen!”  Lennie Tristano… Sage advice to all improvisors, myself included. This reinforces the view that the practice of improvising is so close to that of mindfulness/presence and attention. Regardless of our private and personal views regarding religion and faith traditions, our musical practiceContinue reading ““The hippest thing you can do is not play at all. Just listen!” Lennie Tristano”

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American jazz educator Charlie Banacos – quotes and more

I was surfing the website of David Valdez and came across the tributes to and Ph.D about the American jazz educator Charlie Banacos. This man was a very significant figure and worth investigating if like me, you are unaware of his work (see CasaValdez for more information)… Just for starters some of the saying attributed to him: “IfContinue reading “American jazz educator Charlie Banacos – quotes and more”

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The Improvisational Brain – new article

Musicians and students are prone to a bit ranting as to whether or not the analogy with language acquisition is appropriate.

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