“Don’t just play something, sit there” Jim Hall’s Jazz Koan.

“Don’t just play something, sit there”… Jim Hall’s Jazz Koan. Following on from Lennie’s advice re hipness and non-action, thank you to my friend (guitarist) Jason Broadbent for Jim Hall’s counsel “Don’t just play something, sit there”! On further research those close to Jim Hall suggest he actually said “don’t just do something, sit there” but the pointContinue reading ““Don’t just play something, sit there” Jim Hall’s Jazz Koan.”

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Jazz isn’t dead and it doesn’t smell funny either!

Some idle moments surfing YouTube proved to be not so idle when I came across this wonderful performance from Oscar Peterson and Clark Terry… The unbridled joy of this playing provoked a deep response… All this talk about the death of jazz, oh dear. It’s time for a reality check and an appointment with ourContinue reading “Jazz isn’t dead and it doesn’t smell funny either!”

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American jazz educator Charlie Banacos – quotes and more

I was surfing the website of David Valdez and came across the tributes to and Ph.D about the American jazz educator Charlie Banacos. This man was a very significant figure and worth investigating if like me, you are unaware of his work (see CasaValdez for more information)… Just for starters some of the saying attributed to him: “IfContinue reading “American jazz educator Charlie Banacos – quotes and more”

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Not the Olympics – Week 2 update

Due to the effects of the Olympics upon local businesses, the “Not the Olympics” season at Oliver’s has been partially suspended. REMAINING GIGS at OLIVER’S Aug 6th Martin Speake and Simon Purcell “Amsterdam After Dark” – CANCELLED DUE TO OLYMPICS EFFECT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Aug 7th “Fine Chaps” – Geoff Simkins, Malcolm Earle-Smith, Simon Purcell et al – CANCELLEDContinue reading “Not the Olympics – Week 2 update”

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Lennie Tristano’s legacy is at Oliver’s tonight

Tonight’s featured artists are Martin Speake and Pete Hurt. In some folks’ minds, Lennie Tristano is arguably the most under-rated and unappreciated artists and innovators in the history of jazz. Tonight, the unsung genius is celebrated by two similarly undervalued British musicians – Pete Hurt and Martin Speake.Although Martin Speake is (unusually) visible in thisContinue reading “Lennie Tristano’s legacy is at Oliver’s tonight”

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